I would like to share my experience this week with the use of (2) new web 2.0 tools. Survey Monkey and Voki. I have created a pre-course survey for a future online professional development course using Survey Monkey. Of course I used the free membership. In the past I have used Google Forms, so to follow my desire to expand my skills I chose Survey Monkey. I found Survey Monkey to be limiting unless I paid for the membership. I could not add images, was limited to specific functionality, and could not print. Having a link to share via email or embedding it into a website was convenient. Google Forms is free so many of the limitations I experienced were non-issues with Google Forms. Though I am content with my pre-course survey using Survey Monkey for the experience it provided me, in future endeavors, I will return to Google Forms for the ease of use, reduced limitations, and strong analytics it provides at no cost.
Cyber-Coaching with Voki! I have decided to share my reflections on the use of cyber-coaching through Voki. Voki is a free educational web 2.0 tool for students and educators to communicate through a custom created avatar figure using recorded audio tracks. My intentions for the application of this tool is to become well-versed in its use to provide background information for content, informational tips, feedback, etc. to students within my future online courses. The ability to record my own voice provides a personalized, humanistic connection that is important when developing teacher-student relationships within an online environment. |

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This tool was very easy to learn and use. I signed up for an account and within minutes I was busy creating my custom avatar figure. There were many figures to choose from; of course selection was increased if purchasing a pro-membership for Voki Presenter with Voki Teach which costs a reasonably $30.00 USD per year. Free customizations include eye color, hair color, mouth shape, background image, clothing and accessories. I selected options that were aligned with personal attributes. Once the avatar was created I was able to record my audio track. I had the option to call from a phone, upload an MP3 file, or text-to-speech option. Since I had previous practice with recording an audio MP3 file, I chose to use the call-in feature. I was able to record and listen to my recording; chosing to save or re-record. There is a limit to the length of the recording however. As I was recording, it prompted me to save meaning I had exhausted the time limit which is approximately 2 minutes. I revised my content and began again. Once I was content with the audio recording I was prompted to save my file. At this juncture I was able to use a link to email or an embed code to place within my website.
I will definitely use this tool again! I felt it fit the intentions I was seeking and can understand how it can offer differentiation to convey information to students to keep engagement and excitement within a predominantly text-based environment. I have also provided an .rft file with the audio record to ensure I have provided an alternate option for students with hearing disabilities. |
Final Project Status
I have chosen to use this website to present my final project. I will make links between the pages to encourage an intentional path of presentation. I have also decided to make activity cards for each activity to include objectives, assessment choice, selection rationale, taxonomy alignment as well as pros and cons. I will be able to use these cards as a job aid for myself when teaching this course. They will serve as a Guide on the Side. As I was creating my final activities, I have come to realize one of the assessments selected for use within my taxonomy table do not appropriately align with the objective outline. The learning outcome is for students to make connections to prior knowledge and research to form new understanding. My original intention was for a reflective writing assignment. However, I have realized my objective is for students to infer and draw conclusions. Understanding Ausubel's Assimilation theory, graphic organizers would be better suited. I am in the process of revising my taxonomy table and assessment tool. |