The blog below shares my reflective thoughts throughout my participation within EDUC 762, Assessments in E-Learning. As blogs can tend to be text based, I have purposefully chosen a variety of communicative tools to share my thoughts. This breadth of tool choice usage represents my increased skills to be proficient in communicating in a variety of formats throughout online coursework and conversation as well as build online presence and connections within an online format. Dual reflections are presented below. Reflections of my learning within EDU 762 as well as reflections of my learning with using the varied communication tools. |
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This week focused on synthesizing the content learned within EDUC-762, Assessments in E-Learning, into an a final product within my website. In a previous class I began the development of an asynchronous course termed Common Assessments for Student Learning. Its creation originated due to a need for teachers to be offered asynchronous professional development around a topic within a local school district. I began the instructional design within one course but have continue to build and develop its content and process through this course.
This week was filled with many hours of creation and synthesis. It was challenging yet helped me understand the true power of constructivist learning. I was practicing the theories that I was embedded into my own course displayed above. Our discussion board for this week was not required. This was truly helpful so I could focus on the project and commit my time there. I am looking forward to feedback from peer reviews for the final week of this course as well as comments from blog to tweak my project to its optimal state. At this point, I think I have a strong, final artifact of learning and have given my full efforts in creating what I believe is of high-quality, professional, relevant, and useful in my professional role.
The video above was create through Screencast-o-matic, a web 2.0 tool. I have chosen this tool as a variation from Google Hangouts and YouTube; both tools I already have experience with. It's use was effortless and potentially free. I chose to upgrade to the $15 USD pro account for further flexibility with video time and audio capabilities. I was unsure of the length of my presentation so for the minimal cost it was an easy decision to upgrade. I would recommend this tool, including the pro version, for those that would like to record screencasts, embed and/or save them in various formats with little effort.
Sivula, M. (December 2012). The best assessment tools for the online classroom. Instructor feedback and e-documents. Elearn Magazine. Retrieved November 15, 2015 from
What is Digital Inking? (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2015, from
Growth and learning does not come without challenges...
Please select this learning map link to be directed to my web page that offers a larger view along with additional information.
Well I seem to always place great challenges on myself and the completion of my first vlog was no exception. My learning curve was quite time intensive; setting up my blog, thinking through how to even create a vlog to post to my blog, completing multiple retakes, adding subtitles, and working through the production process altogether. My first thought was to have a transcript to read but then I thought that my vlog would be scripted and flat so I chose the more authentic route of expressing my reflections ad hoc; sharing my learning by talking through my conceptual understandings aloud. Can I tell you how frustrating it is to get almost all the way through a “take” and the phone rings and you have to begin again.
My greatest take away from this experience was the realization of how challenging it is to speak out loud about your thought processes! It is one thing to write them down and revise them to articulate exactly what you want to say, but it is entirely different to just start talking without rambling on. You could almost see my mind thinking when I would pause in the video. Yes, I have felt somewhat vulnerable by completing this challenge and placing it on my website for the world to view. It is a very uncomfortable feeling to have a video on the web when you don’t feel like an expert in the process or content. I am grateful for this experience as the more seasoned I become with the mechanical process and comfortable in verbally articulating my thoughts in a concise, well thought-out manner, I will be able to create short videos for my future online class and do so with efficiency. The presence of this blog itself will be a representation of my personal growth both through the academic course content and the variety of communication tools that I will use to share my reflections along the way. Participating in the self-assessment inventory to determine if my philosophy and approach to assessment align with teacher-centered or student-centered was engaging. Though its structure was simplistic, it provided self reflection, checks for understanding, and corrective activities through mastery learning. The culminating slides were most impactful as they listed which category (teacher-centered or learner-centered) my original selections aligned with. The results concurred that my convictions and beliefs are aligned with learner-centered teaching practices. Introduction Being immersed in technology since 1988 and education since 2003 I will admit that I have not been an active participant within social media and the constant communication it offers. Due to limited experience I can be categorized as a blogging newbie. The adjacent image depicts my current comfort zone (noted at CZ in the center) and my personal goal in which I am striving to reach. My goal is to share with you my weekly insights and reflections through a variety of communication tools including videos, audio files, pictures and text. This will offer me experience sharing my personal voice through an array of technology tools in which I will not only gain exposure in learning how to use but to strive to reach beyond familiarity of use to embed these skills in an effort to share with others in my professional environment. I have experience extending beyond the education environment, having been a graphic designer/electronic media specialist and owning my own design business for a number of years prior to obtaining a teaching certificate. The last four years I have assumed the duties of Coordinator of Technology in a K-8 school district in northern Illinois. This blog will become one of my artifacts of learning for an Assessments course within the E-learning for Educators Graduate certificate program through UW Stout. Digital Image. Web n.d.<> First Week of Assessments in E-Learning |